Returning for its
seventh season, this haunting series follows Sam and Dean Winchester,
two brothers bound by tragedy and blood to the one thing that runs
through both their veins - hunting monsters. This past season, Dean and
Sam faced insurmountable obstacles: Sam
returned from Hell without his soul, and Dean risked everything to get
it back for him. The power struggle between good and evil raged on, with
the new King of Hell, Crowley, ultimately emerging as their adversary.
Shockingly, Crowley had made a secret deal with Sam and Dean's closest
friend, the angel Castiel, who is now a desperate freedom fighter on the
losing side of a post-Apocalyptic civil war in Heaven; together, the
uneasy allies sought to open a door to Purgatory, where a great untapped
well of souls lie waiting to be used as the ultimate form of military
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